Task 2: Building the Planning Team


Building a planning team that comprises all the community representatives is the second important task in developing the hazard planning process. If your community opts for multi-jurisdiction plans, the planning team must include envoys from each jurisdiction. The selected planning team members must possess the expertise to build the mitigation plan. They should also be authorized to execute the mitigation policy that was developed during the planning process. The planning team members will be responsible for creating and assessing the hazard plan drafts, developing the mitigation policy, and presenting the final plan for local implementation. Task 2 explains the ways to recognize prospective planning team representatives, the significance of their involvement, and starting the planning process.

Task 2 builds on and can overlap with Task 1′s identification of local leadership. For Task 2, some of the strongest mitigation plans:

  • Involved and listed a wide range of stakeholders and documented why they were included
  • Clearly identified who led the planning process
  • Used a wide range of methods to involve the public in the planning process
  • Had a well organized and well documented multi-jurisdictional planning team
  • Included a clear mission and vision statement that guides the plan
  • Reviewed their community’s previous plan
  • Clearly defined and documented the planning team’s responsibilities

Each of the above will strengthen your community’s plan and planning process.

Task 2 Requirements

Element A1: The mitigation plan should document how the plan was developed and the persons involved in the planning process representing each jurisdiction. This should include the timeframe or schedule and actions that set-in-motion the development of the plan.
Element A2: The mitigation plan should recognize all planning team members as well as the stakeholders who were part of the planning process, for example, the organization or agency and the position or rank of the member within the organization.