Task 3: Continuing Public Outreach Over Time

Your outreach strategy should continue to engage the public as well as the planning process even after the adoption of the mitigation plan. Outreach should notify the strategy for the next plan update, develop support for the implementation of the mitigation actions, and keep communicating the public about the possible risks and hazards.

The mitigation plan should also describe how public participation will be continued by the jurisdictions throughout the implementation and maintenance of the plan.
The outreach efforts made during the planning process can fetch you good ideas on how to keep engaging the public and stakeholders during the implementation and maintenance of the plan. Think about organizing successful outreach events once a year. There are many activities for continued public involvement, for example, annual surveys or questionnaires; interactive websites; email lists and social media posts; periodic presentations on the progress of the plan to the elected representatives, schools, or other community groups. Assign a representative, of each jurisdiction, the responsibility to coordinate the outreach activities to help build their outreach capabilities during the planning process.